How is nasal septum correction surgery performed?

Free nasal breathing is a guarantee of health and a high quality of life. One of the most common causes of systemic nasal respiratory disorders is a deviated septum. This problem cannot be solved with drops and tablets. Only plastic surgery can help here.

Why is a nasal septum needed?

preparation for surgery to correct the nasal septum

The nasal septum is a plate that covers parts of the bone and cartilage, covered with a mucous membrane. He divided his nose into two parts. This feature of anatomical structure is not intentional.

The nose is needed to filter and heat the air. If it is a cavity, it will quickly deplete and not be able to perform its function fully. Thanks to the partitions, each half of the nose works in turn, which ensures continuous air filtration.

In addition, the nasal septum supports the shape of the nose, becoming its skeleton.

Symptoms of curvature

Patients with this pathology are concerned about:

  • nasal congestion;
  • Headache;
  • dry mouth after sleep;
  • bleeding;
  • frequent inflammatory diseases of the nose and upper respiratory tract (pharyngitis, tonsillitis, bronchitis);
  • decreased work capacity, quality of life;
  • fast fatigue.

Plastic surgeons cite the following statistics:

According to a recent study, less than 25% of people in the world have an even septum. Many of them are not bothered by anything, because the curvature is insignificant and does not interfere with breathing through the nose. This group of patients did not require any therapy. However, if these symptoms are present, then this is a direct indication for surgical treatment - septoplasty.

How is nasal septum correction surgery performed?

Before septoplasty, it is necessary to undergo consultation with an otorhinolaryngologist and a complete examination. First, a CT scan is performed. It allows you to fully study the structure of the septum, determine the scope of operation. You will also need to pass some exams:

  • clinical analysis of blood and urine;
  • blood chemistry;
  • freezing;
  • blood for some infections (syphilis, viral hepatitis, HIV);
  • cardiogram;
  • fluorography.

All this is necessary to exclude possible contraindications to surgical intervention.

Correction of the nasal septum was performed under anesthesia with the addition of a local anesthetic. After anesthesia, the surgeon performs the intervention according to a clear algorithm:

  1. Opening the nasal mucosa. An incision is made in the nasal cavity, which completely eliminates the presence of aesthetic defects after surgery.
  2. Further action depends on the type of disability. If there is a spike or isolated ridge, then it is removed. If the curvature is complex, S -shaped, then the partition is partially destroyed and "recreated".
  3. Suture the mucosa. Self -absorbent yarns are used.
  4. Silicone shutters are inserted into the nasal passages and sewn. This is a plate that maintains the correct shape of the nasal septum, prevents the development of septal hematomas and speeds up the healing process.

The duration of nasal septal plasticity depends entirely on the complexity and amount of work and can vary from 40 minutes to 2 hours.

After the surgical procedure, the patient must spend 1-2 days in the hospital.

Postoperative recovery to correct the septum

After surgery, patients require a stationary regime. Antibacterial, hemostatic therapy and painkillers are prescribed. It is also necessary to take care of the splint, always washing it with saline solution. After septoplasty, hematomas and swelling on the face may appear, which disappear after 3-5 days. During this period, nasal breathing is difficult due to swelling of the nasal cavity and splints.

Splints are issued on days 7-10. Nasal breathing improved, but not entirely due to persistent swelling.

After that, the patient should be at home resting for another 4-5 days. In the first 2 weeks you will need:

  • stop hot showers, saunas, showers;
  • limit physical activity;
  • do not blow your nose hard;
  • limit sleeping on your back and wear glasses.

Doctors may also recommend the use of drops and sprays aimed at speeding up the healing of the mucosa and restoring the epithelium in the nasal cavity.

The end result can be assessed after 2-3 months, when the edema is completely gone and the healing process is complete.